Save any video from the vast catalog of online services to your device with Btclod. All you need to provide is an URL, and we will handle the rest of the task
If you can watch it, then you can save it. Our 4K video downloader can detect and select the highest resolution and bitrate of each video. There is no reason you should accept quality loss while watching them offline
We can obtain videos from a wide array of popular social media and sharing platforms. No need to switch to another tool when you're grabbing videos from multiple sites at once
In addition to multiple quality options (4K, 2K, Full HD, 1080P,...), you also have the option to save videos from other websites in a file format (MP3, MP4, WAV, FLAC, WebM) of your choice
Many alternatives, like video downloader Chrome, exist in the form of computer or smartphone software.
They require users to download and install the application first before using the tool, which isn't just a burdensome process but also opens the door for malicious software
Our website relies on a different approach, leveraging cloud computing technology to provide an online tool that works straight out of the user's web browser
Besides the convenience it brings, this design makes sure your computer or smartphone is completely safe from any damages caused by the tool. Nothing could occur beyond this environment and violate the privacy and security of your personal information
When everything runs on the web browser, nothing can slow down your device or take up a huge storage space permanently. After getting your desired videos, you can close the website and completely forget it
After accepting your download request, the processing happens on our side, backed by powerful hardware and cutting-edge software
This backend ensures you will max out the download speed with the minimal waiting time. You can carry out other tasks while waiting for the download to finish
There is nothing complicated about our tool. We have created a simple and intuitive design so that even a non-tech-savvy person can quickly learn how to use and comfortably download from it
Even if you come across for the first time or just use it once in a blue moon, you can pick up the steps easily